
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Regret Tattoo's..... NOPE

Recently I have been on a job hunt like no other. I understand that tattoos are not always acceptable in the public view. SO... I had to do some wardrobe adjusting. I know its been hotter than the blazes out side but, the "hide the hickey dickey" comes into play. I have tattoos on both side of my neck and on my chest, no matter how I try to hide them, I can't.
hair back
hair down

 As you can see, my choices are in plain view unless I cover them. In this colorful world we live in, it is unacceptable in some establishments to have visible tattoos.

That left me feeling very hopeless then "DING" the light came on. I am an educated woman, I am qualified if not over qualified for some of the positions I have applied for. I am not going to let things like someones' personal opinions about my physical appearance stop me from being as productive as I want to be. I chose these tattoos, I like them, BUT, it's not anyone else's position to have to like them.....

hidden but professional

After whining that everyone hates me, that they are just bastards with no reality concept, all of the family I told ya so's, and well played on long term decision making Amy, moments came this. Mom got me out her mock turtle neck and the same day, literally, I got a job.

So, to all the people that have visible tattoo's (not just offensive or excessive) and can't find gainful employment, don't give up. Some places just don't like tattoo's. Good Luck

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