
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Family's Best Friend

Hi all. It's been a long time coming and I have to share my point of view. I know there are a lot of sites out there either bashing Pit Bulls or loving them. I have to say I am a lover. Our baby is almost 2 1/2 and his name is Chops. It started as Pork Chop because he looked like a little piglet when he was born and over time shortened to Chops, Chopsy, or even Hop Skip. I have no idea where or how Hop Skip came to be but, he comes to it all the same.

He is just like one of the kids, Cassidy is convinced he is her baby brother since I can not have another child. He loves us and we love him. He is a scaredy cat. If it storms he's in our bed, if the guys are outside target practicing, he is in the bathroom. He HATES the bath but, if he is scared that is his safe haven. Or my sisters room (HAHAHAHA). When he is outside he is on duty, nothing comes in the yard, up the road even, without us knowing, which is good because we live so far out in the country. When he's in the house he automatically turns into a lap dog. I know he is 100 lbs but, he didn't get the memo.


I swear he takes snacks with his lips LOL. My niece insists on feeding him. She is 1 1/2, picks up his kibble and crams it in his mouth she loves Chops, until his tail wacks her but she tells him to "TOP CHOP" (stop Chops) and all is well.

Anyway, My point is, I love my dog. He is not just a family pet, but a family member. Our Best friend. I can't talk for all the other Pit's out there but ours was raised rite. He is fed, loved, borderline spoiled, he is good. He doesn't steal food out of the garbage, fight with other dogs, chew up furniture, or anything else. He will always have a place in our home and our hearts. God blessed us with him & God blessed him with us.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Regret Tattoo's..... NOPE

Recently I have been on a job hunt like no other. I understand that tattoos are not always acceptable in the public view. SO... I had to do some wardrobe adjusting. I know its been hotter than the blazes out side but, the "hide the hickey dickey" comes into play. I have tattoos on both side of my neck and on my chest, no matter how I try to hide them, I can't.
hair back
hair down

 As you can see, my choices are in plain view unless I cover them. In this colorful world we live in, it is unacceptable in some establishments to have visible tattoos.

That left me feeling very hopeless then "DING" the light came on. I am an educated woman, I am qualified if not over qualified for some of the positions I have applied for. I am not going to let things like someones' personal opinions about my physical appearance stop me from being as productive as I want to be. I chose these tattoos, I like them, BUT, it's not anyone else's position to have to like them.....

hidden but professional

After whining that everyone hates me, that they are just bastards with no reality concept, all of the family I told ya so's, and well played on long term decision making Amy, moments came this. Mom got me out her mock turtle neck and the same day, literally, I got a job.

So, to all the people that have visible tattoo's (not just offensive or excessive) and can't find gainful employment, don't give up. Some places just don't like tattoo's. Good Luck

A few cute pics

What were we thinking

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I Love You

I saw this and knew I had to share it. It means more to me than I will ever be able to express.

 for Abby and Cassie

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Moms of Moms

Cassidy, Me, Grama Karen, and Mom 2013

 Our family has been going through A LOT lately and just got a big blow on Monday when my grama had a stroke. She has been through so much and "I'm proud to know I come from such strong stock" as my mom would say. Now, as an adult, I understand the meaning in that.

As a daughter, I look to my mother for guidance. As a mother, I look to my daughters for purpose.  I know what it's like to have something to fight for, to believe in, to worry over, to love so much it hurts. I thank my mom, my grama, and all the strong women it took to get me here to the place I am today.  Proud to say, I, myself, am a strong woman.

Me and Abby 2004

 I am not guaranteed tomorrow so, I will take this moment right now to say I Love You. I say it everyday. I want you to know all day, everyday, for the rest of your lives, You are my hope, my strength, my purpose, my life, and all of my love.


  Sarah Abby Gale and Cassidy Rae Ann, your mama loves you very much.  To the moon and stars, where the aliens live and the angels fly. 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Yay the Tooth Fairy

Here it is again, 9am and Cassie came running through, waiving her dollar, and excited. The magic of the Tooth Fairy. It is so amazing to me how some kids grow up so fast and others have that little spark of innocence that can light up an entire room. Cassidy has that spark.
Cassidy Rae Ann
It all started around Christmas with this specific tooth. I begged her to wiggle it out, it was loose and then she refused to touch it and it got back in there sturdy as ever. Santa came and went, the Easter Bunny came and went, the Tooth Fairy has been here 4 or 5 other times since then. There was still THAT TOOTH!!!!

This one little tiny baby tooth had become known to the entire family. It's been 6 stinkin months. We have made deals, bets, wagers, you name its', all on this little tooth. Finally a deal was struck that made priority. A trip to the Sweet Tooth if that little tooth should EVER come out.
 The Sweet Tooth is this awesome ice cream shop that has been down town forever I think. My oldest daughter has been trying to talk that tooth out since May when they opened for the season. With no luck of course. Abby leaves to spend time with her grama and a week later, here it is.

Driving home from the nursing home last night on our daily trip to visit my grama, she lets out a yell "It's coming out ahhh its bleeding this time!!!"   "MOM  DADDY   WE HAVE TO GO TO THE SWEET TOOTH!!!!". We were both stunned. There it was hanging on by a thread, the tiny conversation starter was about to fall out.

We got home she grabbed her stuff and went strait to the mirror in our bedroom. When she came out there was blood on her hands, cheek down to her chin, and all over her forehead like she had to stop and think about it for a minute. In the dining room looking like a butcher the tooth was still in there. I said come here let me try. Then the tears.

If a stranger would have walked in at that moment, I would have had a lot of explaining to do. Her crying, covered in blood up to her elbows and whole face, and me hugging her saying it's gonna be ok Sissy. I examined the situation. It was turned around backwards and sticking out to the side. I gave it a tiny twist and tug and the tooth that was attached to an artery was in my hand.

She was ready to write the letter, and put it under the pillow. As the night went on and it calmed down she got restless and kept getting up. She knows the routine, this it the 9th tooth she lost. The Tooth Fairy has to be home by 12 sharp, so to get her to stop you have to be sleeping. About 11:15 was her last trip in here saying "when does she stop coming?"  then she was out.

Her baby's Beary and Piggy, in snuggle mode with her, the tooth tucked in, and Cassie sleeping like a baby, The magic is about to begin in the flash of an eye. The magic that reminds me of my childhood. This Magic, the very same Magic  that I lived for and lost so young, is in my little girl. The beautiful Magic that gives me chills when I see her face lite up.

My daughters are my whole world. I love sharing the magic with them, like my mom did with me. The stories and enthusiasm, to build up the spirits and leave a lasting impression. I love this Magic. I can't wait til they can share it with their babies and tell someone else, and get shivers and chills and teary eyes like me.

Have a good day and I hope you all find at least a little magic in your adult lives. It does make it better.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

A little about me

I can start this out with saying Hi, my name is Amy and I'm happy to meet you all. I'm 32, a mom first and foremost of 2 beautiful little girls, a wife, but equally as important, a person. I decided to write a blog because it seems like I always have something to say. Not that other people always want to hear it, it's still thoughts of my own. I have too much life experience to keep it to myself. I'm not a saint and frequently make mistakes but, always work hard to find the best answer even if it's not 100% correct, whats best and whats best for me aren't always the exactly same. 

Life experience comes in everyday fashion. I've been through it all it seems like, not much is left that comes as a surprise.  I have loved, grieved, laughed, screamed, been disappointed, cried millions of emotions worth of tears. I've held my girls hands and their hearts since the very second I saw their little faces, I knew nothing would ever be the same. That everything I would ever touch again would have to be for a reason. With them being a part of my life, everything is a little more tolerable. Well, except for the stuff that isn't tolerable at all, like toys with a whistle or a horn. I've been married, divorced, single again, and remarried twice more. With that comes emotion and life lessons that can't be very well explained in words. Divorce is easier explained through broken hearts, purposely over drawn bank accounts, holes cut into cloths, broken sports memorabilia, that's what my ex-spouses experienced anyway. 

So, here I am. Writing it down and laying it all out on the table. Hoping to make more memories, learn some more life experience, and grow a little more everyday. Wishing you all the best.   Amy